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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of other in Dobrich, district Dobrich

starting price: € 168726
area: 1917 m2

Public sale of real estate and building, owned by the mortgage debtor Ivanka Dimitrova was announced. The property with identifier 44238.506.2917 is located in Lom, Lom municipality, Montana district, on Mitko Palausov street, with an area of 1113 sq.m. The property has a lasting purpose for urbanized territory with a way of lasting use - low building. In the property is built a building with an area of 246 sq.m., one floor and intended for a building with mixed purpose. The property is part of Lom's plan and approved by order. The starting price of the property is 90 619,20 BGN. There are several burdens on the property, including a mortgage in favor of Eurobank Bulgaria. Those who wish to look at the property in the specified days and hours. The written bids are accepted in the Judicial Executive Service of the Regional Court - Lom and will be examined on 25.07.2024 in the building of the Regional Court of Lom. The bid is submitted to the C.C.B.

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