There is a public sale of a hotel complex in the town of Broussartsi, belonging to "A.E.I." Ltd. and "Lozaro-Ovosharski Complex-Lok" Ltd. The building consists of a yard with an area of 660 sq.m, on which is built a four-storey concrete building with basement. The ground floor includes restaurant, reception, offices, kitchen and other premises. On the first and second floor are located administrative premises and on the third and fourth - hotel apartments. The building has a basement where warehouses, sanitary rooms and boiler room are located. The total built-up area of the building is 1,047.60 sq.m. The property is burdened with mortgage and forbade. The starting price of the public sale is 255 199.68 BGN. Participation in the sale is required and the bidding will take place on 29.09.2023 at the Regional Court of Lom. The site can be viewed every day from 10:00 to 18:00 on site in the town of Brusartsi.
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