Public sale of real estate, organized by private judicial contractor Velislav Petrov was announced. The sale will be held in Teteven District Court, at the address of Teteven, 20 Hristo Botev Str., between 30.06.2024 and 30.07.2024. The properties to be sold are owned by L.V.H. and are described in Protocol 20.03.2024 1. The first property has an identifier G 07357.130.18, located in the village of Bulgarian spring, Teteven municipality, Lovech district, with an area of 2533 sq. m. The starting price for this property is 288.00 BGN 2. The second property has an identifier He 07357.133.105, located in the village of Bulgarian spring, Teteven municipality, Lovech district, with an area of 1602 sq. m. The starting price is BGN 181.60 3. The third property has an identifier He 07357.106.9, located in the village of Bulgarian spring, Teteven municipality, Lovech district, with an area of 3000 sq. m. The starting price for it is BGN 519.20. Each of the properties is subject to property burdens entered in the Registry Office. Those who wish to examine the property can do so every day or after prior arrangement during the period of sale. To participate in the tender, the bids must pay 10% of the starting price of the property. The tender procedure shall include the submission of a written proposal with an import note for the submitted consignment in a sealed envelope at the Teteven District Court office until the end of the working hours of 30.07.2024. Each bidder can make only one offer and the price cannot exceed the starting price by more than 30%. Upon completion of the tender, the court contractor or his assistant shall draw up a protocol and declare the buyer. Bidding parties have the right to offer a price higher than the amount of one job. For more information and details, contact details are: Lovech, 20 Targovska Str., tel. 068 699 460, contact person Annie Metodieva, tel. +359 878 464 946.
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