Public sale of real estate, owned by E.T.G., organized by private judicial contractor Lucia Taseva was announced. The sale will take place in Balchik District Court building from 21.11.2023 until the end of the working day on 21.12.2023. The real estate is located in the village of Tsarkva, Balchik municipality, Dobrich district, in Uzundjalar locality. It is a soil property - levels with an area of 3330 sq.m. with identifier 78639.11.5. The property is of agricultural use and has a correct rectangular shape, situated on an equal terrain with a small displacement. The starting price for bidding is BGN 7 344.00. Weights are recorded on the property at the Registry Office. The property can be reviewed after prior appointment. The sale will take place in the building of Balchik District Court and the documents for sale are available to the interested parties. Participation in the bidding is required to pay 10% of the starting price on the account of the court contractor. The price proposed may not exceed the starting price by more than 30%. The bid will take place on 22.12.2023 at Balchik District Court. The buyer with the highest bid price will be identified as the winner.
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