Public sale of real estate owned by E.T.G. is announced, which will be held by private judicial contractor Lucia Taseva. The property is located in the village of Tsarkva, Balchik municipality, Dobrich district, Chanlaka locality and is an area of 1427 sq.m. The property identifier is 78639.16.42 and is assigned to urbanized territory with residential development. The property is rectangular, facing an asphalt road and a small displacement. The starting price of the property is 25200.00 BGN. There are weights on it in the Registry Office. The property can be considered after a preliminary arrangement and participation in the bidding requires a target of 10% of the starting price. The sale will take place on 26.05.2023 at Balchik District Court. Participants must submit their proposal in a sealed envelope by the specified time.
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