Public sale of real estate, owned by W.I.H. Ltd. was announced. The property is land and is located in Dobrich district, Kavarna municipality, Topola village. Its identifier is Lo72603.512.362, with an area of 559 sq. m. The real estate is for territorial use for another type of construction in the residential neighborhood of the village of Topola. It is located 220 meters from the "Devetta" street of the village and near the international road E87. Neighboring properties are unbuilt, but nearby there are villa buildings for seasonal living. The starting price of the property is 19840 BGN. On it there are included weights in the Registry Office. The property can be reviewed after prior arrangement on the location of the property. The sale will take place in the building of R.S.K., with the sales papers held in the courthouse. To participate in the bidding, a target of 10% of the starting price is required. Payments above BGN 30 000 should be made by bank transfer. Bidding must present declarations of the origin of their funds. Offers for purchase are submitted to the office of R.C.K. and are reflected in the entry register. The sale will take place on 29.05.2023 in the presence of the proposals in the building of R.S.K.
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