Public sale of real estate in the village of Senokos, municipality of Balchik, with identifier of the cadastral map and cadastral registers, with area of 538 sq.m. The real estate is for permanent use on the territory: Lose, third category on the ground. The property is situated 270 m north of the construction borders of the village of Senokos and 130 m from the asphalt road, in the fifth square from the village of Senokos, the locality "Kelnika" . It is situated on an equal terrain with a correct rectangular shape, extended north-south, face on two Polish roads, middle for the box vineyards and is part of a vineyard array created in 1979. The starting price at which the bidding starts is BGN 1720.80. Weights are recorded on the property at the Registry Office in Balchik. The sellers may review the property after prior arrangement at the location during the sale. The sale will take place in RS Balchik's building, with the sales papers held in RS Balchik's office. In order to participate in the bidding on a court contractor's account, a payment of 10% of the starting price must be made to the bailout's bank account. Translations over BGN 30 000 require the submission of the corresponding declaration of origin of the funds. The biders may offer a price in an envelope before the deadline for bidding. The sale will take place on 03.07.2023 in the presence of the participants. The bailiff, Lucia Taseva, is responsible for conducting the public sale.
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