Public sale of real estate is announced, located in the village of Sarnets, municipality of Tervel, with a total area of 3228 sq.m. The property has a yard structure, including three plots with different areas and participations. On the property is built a house with three rooms, kitchen, savant and business buildings. The property is located at the northwest end of the village and is accessible from the east along a secondary street, crossing the main street of the village. The starting price for the sale is BGN 5400. There are weights on the property at the Registry Office in Tervel. The property can be reviewed during the sale, which will be held in the building of Tervel District Court. Participation in the bidding is required to pay 10% of the starting price. Bidding agents must present declarations of the origin of their funds, as well as a price offered in a sealed envelope. The sale will take place on 26.09.2023 in the presence of the bids.
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