Public sale of real estate in Popgruevo village, Tervel municipality, Dobrich district was announced. The property is land with an area of 780 sq. m., the buildings include a massive residential building with a built-up area of 173,60 sq. m., ground floor and two commercial buildings with a total built-up area of 38 sq. m. The property is surrounded, equipped with electricity and water, has an external fountain and various business buildings. The house has stone foundations, brick walls, g.b. plates and wooden roof. The first floor includes two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a garage, while the second floor consists of four rooms. The property can be considered after a prior arrangement. The starting price of the property is 27680.00 BGN. Weights are recorded on the property at the Registry Office Tervel. An amount of 10% of the starting bid price is required. According to the law on measures against money laundering, transfers over 30 000 BGN require a corresponding declaration of the origin of the funds. The sale will be held in the building of Tervel District Court, with the sales papers available to anyone interested in the property. The participants must submit a receipt for the submitted package in a sealed envelope. The price declared may be exceeded by more than 3%.
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