Public sale of real estate to be held by the private court contractor LUCHIA TASEVA in the building of R.C.G. Toshevo. The real estate owned by S.D.S. is located in Krasen village, Gen. Toshevo municipality, Dobrich district. It includes a yard with an area of 3700 sq.m., consisting of two plots with buildings built on them - a massive two-storey rolling mill with a floor of 300 sq.m. and a one-storey massive building with a floor of 43 sq.m. The mill was built in 1950 and there are visible violations of the bearing structure. The starting price of the property is 17064.00 BGN. The property can be considered after a preliminary arrangement and will be sold on a public sale on 12.05.2023. The biders must submit a deposit of 10% of the starting price. There are weights on the property. In order to participate in the bidding, declarations under the Law on Measures against Money Laundering are required. The bids must offer their price in numbers and words in a sealed envelope in the office of R.C.G. TOSHEVO. The sale will be made in the presence of the appearers bidding at the specified date and time.
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