Public sale of real estate is announced, which is sold under the rules for public sale of real estate under the GPC. The real estate is owned by A.K.S. and is located in the land of the village of Kranevo, Balchik municipality, Dobrich district, Z-St. Kranevo locality. The property is an ideal part of land property with identifier Le39459.25.532, of an area of 5284 sq.m., of permanent use on the territory: agricultural, land category under non-toxic conditions: fifth. The property is located on the third line with easy access to the beach of the resort village, overgrown with woody and bushy vegetation. The starting price of the property is 192578.40 BGN. On the property are registered weights in the Registry Office in Balchik. A review of the property can be made after prior arrangement at the location of the property at the time of sale. Participation in the bidding shall take place after submitting a call of 10% of the starting price on the account of the court contractor. The sale will take place at Balchik District Court at 22. 07.2024 at 10:00 p.m. in front of the performer and the performers are bidding. Each bidder shall present the price offered by him in numbers and words together with a receipt for the package imported in a sealed envelope. Bidding continues until there are no new proposals that exceed the current price by more than 309 BGN.
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