Public sale of real estate is announced, which belongs to A.S.B. It is located in the village of Kranevo, Balchik municipality, Dobrich district. The property is a land estate with an area of 617 sq. m, according to a property act, but according to the sketch the area is 631 sq. m. Its identifier is 39459.501.299.3, nine, four, five, nine, point, five, zero, one, point, two, nine, nine. The property has a permanent purpose for urbanized territory with a way of lasting use - low construction (up to 10 m). On the property there are two buildings - a four-storey residential and garage, as well as a yard surrounded by a massive fence. Part of the yard is covered with a plate, there are trails, playgrounds and flower beds. The starting price of the property is 55 296 BGN with VAT included. Several burdens are recorded on the property at the Registry Office. The property can be considered after prior arrangement at the time of the sale. It is imperative to submit a 10% charge of the starting price using a court contractor's account. The sale will take place on 31.01.2023 in Balchik District Court building. The participants in the bidding should present their proposal in a sealed envelope in the office of the District Court of Balchik. The bids may offer a price that does not exceed the starting price with figures and words. The proposals shall be reflected in the incoming court contractor's request and submitted in a sealed envelope. The biders can bid only one offer, which does not exceed the starting price. The sale will take place in the presence of Private Judicial Contractor Lucia Taseva.
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