Public sale of real estate owned by G.L.E. has been announced, namely the Cadastral Map and Cadastral Registers under identifier H95064.40.2Hri. The property is located in Kavarna town, Dobrich district, with an area of 9000 sq. m. and a property document worth BGN 2001. The property has a territorial purpose for urbanised area, with a way of lasting use - combined building, with the possibility of building a site "Motel, parking and gas station." The previous number is 040 12 and neighbouring properties have identifiers 238064.40.22, 2635064.40.6, H.38064.40.19. The starting price for the public sale is set at 85320 BGN. The bidding proposals will be announced on 30.06.2023 at the beginning of the working day in the building of the Kavarna District Court. The property book will be deposited in the court's proceedings at the same address where potential buyers can get acquainted with the information and submit bidding proposals under the legal provisions. Those who wish to examine the property can do so after prior arrangement with the private judicial contractor of the indicated phones. Different bans and bets are included on the property in favour of different institutions and individuals to be taken into account by potential buyers. A deposit of BGN 1096 is required for participation in the public sale, which must be submitted in advance to the designated account with the holder Private judicial contractor Slavi Serbekov. The announced sale is time-framed and will take place within 29.05.2023 to 29.06.2023. All details and conditions of participation may be specified by contact with the private judicial contractor.
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