Public sale of real estate with administrative address: Karapelit village, Dobrich municipality, Dobrich district was announced. The property has an area of 3532 sq.m. and has an identifier Lo 36419.173.8 on the cadastral map. It belongs to an A.G.E. firm. The property has a building with identifier 36419.173.8.1 described as a cow shop used as a grain warehouse. The building has a monolithic structure, with a roof of iron concrete and a height of 8.50 meters. There are two entrances for cars and one for pedestrians, as well as attached building with two-cat roof, used also as a grain warehouse. There are several weights on the property. The starting price of the property is 139 872 BGN, to which are added 116 560 BGN VAT. For participation in the bidding is required a ten per cent of the starting price, the payment is made through U.B.A.. A review of the property can be made after a preliminary arrangement and the sale itself will be held on 17.09.2024 in the building of the District Court in Dobrich. The bids may offer a price that does not exceed the starting price by more than 30% and make only one offer. All necessary documents and information on the participation in the bidding shall be provided in the Office of the District Court.
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