Public sale of real estate is announced located in the village of Karapellit, owned by A.G.E.. The property is listed as land property with a way of permanent use - levels, with an area of 5003 sq. m. and identifier 36419.47.95. On the property are registered different weights such as a lease contract and different bans. The starting bid price is BGN 14400.00. The property is intended for agricultural activity and has certain boundaries and neighbours. Those willing to purchase the property may review it after prior appointment at the location of the property. The sale will take place in the District Court building of Dobrich, with the sales papers held in the court office. To participate in the bidding, it is necessary to place a 10% charge on the starting price of the bailiff's account. The price proposed may not exceed by more than 30% the declared starting price. The bider can make only one bidding offer, which is filed in a sealed envelope together with the receipt for the submitted bid. Public sale will take place on 04.07.2024 in the building of Dobrich District Court. The bidding will take place in the presence of the proposed and private judicial contractor. All proposals submitted shall be reflected in the input register.
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