Public sale of real estate owned by the debtor "ATANASOV GREIN" - EOOD, EIK 124604421 was announced. The property is located in the village of Karapelit, Dobrichka municipality, with cadastral identifier G 36419.173.8 and total area of 3535 sq.m. The property has a built agricultural building - a warehouse with an area of 1434 sq.m. The starting price of the property is set at 133 392 BGN. Public sale will take place in the District Court of Dobrich from 02.05.2024 to 03.06.2024, opening the bidding proposals will be on 04.06.2024. The weights on the property are numerous and are registered at the Registry Office in Dobrich. For a view of the property for which potential buyers are interested, they can contact the debtor's manager on phone 0896806606. An amount of 10% of the starting bid price is required. The bidding proposals must contain full personal data, a description of the property and a proposed price. All proposals are submitted to the office of the District Court in Dobrich. The price declared must be equal to or higher than the starting tender price. Bidding agents not registered VAT must include VAT in the proposed price. The account of the private judicial contractor in Eurobank Bulgaria AD, Dobrich branch, is used to deposit the deposit.
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