Public sale of real estate, organized by private judicial contractor Lucia Taseva, with registration number 737, was announced, with action in Dobrich district. The sale will take place in the Dobrich District Court building from 18.08.2023 until the end of the working day on 18.09.2023. The property for sale is owned by M.K.E. and is located in the village of Karapellit, Dobrich municipality, Dobrich district. The property has an area of 134 square meters and identifier 36419.10.22 on the cadastral map. It is of permanent use for forest territory, use for water holding and hydromeliorative facility. The starting price of the property is 316.80 BGN and the bidding starts at 80 pennies. Weights are recorded on the property at the Registry Office. The property can be viewed after prior agreement and the sale will take place in the building of the District Court of Dobrich. For participation in the bidding, a cash or bank deposit is required. The price offered may not exceed BGN 3090. The biders must submit their offer in a sealed envelope with a receipt for the submitted bid. The bid will take place on 19.09.2023 at Dobrich District Court.
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