Public sale of real estate, owned by M.K.E. Ltd. was announced. The property is located in the village of Karapelit, Dobrichka municipality, with an area of 1836 sq. m. On the property there are three buildings, of which one is for energy production, the second for water supply and/or sewerage, and the third is unfinished. The property is situated on a slope of 13 degrees, northeast exposure and altitude 150 meters. The soil is common black-earth, sandy-gly, sealed and rich. Currently only the drilling and tank are preserved by the water supply system for pig complex in the village. Access to buildings is difficult due to vegetation. The starting price of the property is 26998.40 BGN. The bid will be held at the District Court in Dobrich, requiring a 10% bid on the starting price. All interested parties may examine the property after prior arrangement. For transfers over 30 000 BGN a declaration under the Law on Measures against Money Laundering is required. The bidding proposals must be submitted in an envelope and include the price and receipt for the submitted bid. The bider can make only one increase above the announced starting price.
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