Public sale of real estate, owned by "Atanasov Gran" Ltd. The property is located in the village of Karapelit, Dobrichka municipality, with cadastral identifier He36419.173.8 and total area of 3535 sq.m. The property has an agricultural building - warehouse with identifier He36419.173.8.1 and area of 1434 sq.m. The property borders on other properties with cadastral identifiers He36419.173.21 and He36419.173.20. The starting price for the sale is set at 250 998 BGN. Public sale will take place in the District Court of Dobrich, beginning on 28.07.2023 and ending on 28.08.2023. The opening of bidding offers and the announcement of a buyer will take place on 29.08.2023 at 11:00 in the building of Dobrich District Court. The property has different burdens that are registered at the Registry Office in Dobrich. Those who wish to look at the property can look at the property in certain days and hours. To participate in the bidding, a call of 10% of the starting price must be submitted, the proposals being submitted in a sealed envelope with the relevant personal data and a description of the property. The price proposed must be equal or higher than the starting price. For more information and participation in the public sale, interested parties may contact the private judicial contractor Nikolay Zhelev of the mentioned contacts.
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