Public sale of real estate was announced under the order of the GPC, organized by the private court contractor Nikolay Zhelev. The property for sale is uncharted crops of maize harvest 2023, planted on a total of 2 017.090 acres in massive land in the village of Karapelit, Dobrichka municipality. The starting bid price is set at 648 365.20 BGN. Public sale is held in Dobrich District Court between 21.07.2023 and 21.08.2023. The opening of bidding proposals and the announcement of a buyer will take place on 22.08.2023. There's no weight on the uneaten plantations. All interested parties may examine the property every day in the bright part of the day. For participation in the bidding on a court contractor's account, a fee of 10% of the starting price shall be paid. The bidding proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and must be equal to or higher than the starting price. Proposals exceeding the starting price by more than 30% shall be considered invalid. Participation in the public sale requires prior deposit to the private judicial contractor's bank account. For more information and details on the public sale, the persons may contact the private judicial contractor Nikolay Zhelev of the contact points.
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