Public sale of real estate in accordance with the GPC has been announced. The property to be sold is levels with identifier 36419.63.63, located in the land of the village of Karapellit, Dobrichka municipality, in the area FREEN CECH with area of 13002 sq. m., third category, with boundaries to properties with cadastral identifiers: 36419.63.36; 36419.63.64; 36419.63.62; 36419.63.27. The starting price of the property is set at 42 930 BGN. The public sale will take place from 28.02.2023 to 28.03.2023 in the District Court of Dobrich and the opening of bidding proposals and the announcement of a buyer will take place on 29.03.2023 from 1 hour in the District Court of Dobrich. The property has burdens that are announced in the notice. Participation in the bidding is required to pay 10% of the starting price. The bids must be presented in a printed envelope with mandatory personal data, telephone, email, property description and offered price. All participants must pay a fee of 24.00 BGN to provide documents and information about the public sale. The commitment to participate in the sale is paid to the account of the private judicial contractor in CCB AD, Dobrich branch.
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