Public sale of real estate, organized by a private court contractor Nikolay Zhelev was announced. The property for sale is a level in the land of the village of Karapelit, Dobrichka municipality, with an area of 19999 square meters, fourth category. The property has cadastral identifiers: 36419.51.43; 36419.51.17; 36419.51.22; 36419.51.1. The starting price of the property is set at 64 661 BGN. The public sale will take place in the District Court of Dobrich, beginning on 27.02.2023 and ending on 27.03.2023. The opening of bidding proposals and the announcement of a buyer will take place on 28.03.2023 from 1 hour. The property has weights that are included in the Registry Office in Dobrich. Anyone willing to look at the property can do it during the time of the sale. Participation in the bidding is required to pay 10% of the starting price. The bidding proposal must contain full personal data of the importer, telephone, email, property description and offered price written in numbers and words. Under the rules, proposals for a price below the starting price and exceeding it by more than 30% are invalid. A fee of 24.00 BGN is required for participation in the sale. The package for participation in the public sale can be submitted to S.E.B. AD, Dobrich branch.
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