Public sale of real estate, owned by G.G., was announced, which will be held in the building of Kavarna District Court, from 20.06.2023 until the end of the working day on 20.07.2023. The real estate is an ideal part of the land property in the village of Gorechka, Shabla municipality, with identifier 16095.501.26 on the cadastral map, with area of 2744 sq.m. The property is urbanized territory with a way of lasting use - low building. The starting bid price is BGN 5224.00. The property is on an equal terrain with good transport accessibility, surrounded by a metal fence and borders on three sides with undeveloped properties. The face of the property is south of the street "Twentyth" and the north borders the building border of the village. It's not equipped with electricity and water, communications are located at the border. The property is not built, it is overgrown with grass and vegetation. Neighborhood property is also not managed. Participation in the bidding is required to pay 10% of the starting price by bank transfer. The sale will take place in the presence of a court contractor on 21.07.2023 at Kavarna District Court. The bids may offer a price that does not exceed the starting amount by more than 3000 BGN. The proposals are submitted in a sealed envelope in the office of the District Court of Kavarna. All participants must submit a declaration of origin of their funds under the Law on Measures against Money Laundering.
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