Public sale of real estate, which belongs to V.I.O. and I.D.O. The property is a residential apartment located in General Toshevo, 21 Ivan Kumanov Str., General Toshevo Municipality, Dobrich District. The apartment has a built-up area of 173 sq.m., distributed on two floors, including four rooms, two kitchenettes and ground floor with an area of 51 sq.m. The property has a garage, a clean room and ideal parts of the common parts of the building, as well as a right to construction on the yard. The starting price of the property is 25 344.00 BGN. Different weights are listed on the property, such as mortgages and foreclosures. The property can be considered after prior arrangement at the location during the sale. Participation in the bidding is required to place a call of 10% of the starting price in the account of the court contractor. The sale will take place at General Toshevo's District Court on 07.04.2023. The bidding will take place in the presence of the appearers, and they have to offer their price in a sealed envelope. The biders can only make one increase in the price. The proposals for participation must be submitted before the deadline.
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