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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Land for building

Auction sale of land for building in Bozhurets, district Kavarna

starting price: € 9367
area: 863 m2

Public sale of real estate owned by K.K., which will take place in the building of R.C.K., was announced from 26.04.2023 until the end of the working day on 26.05.2023. The real estate is an area of 863 sq.m., located in the village of Bozhurets, Kavarna municipality. The property has an identifier M05009.501.550 and has a lasting purpose for urbanized territory as an undeveloped residential property. It is located on the third line of the ski of the village, 600 meters from the golf course "Trakia Cliffs," flat and unbuilt terrain. The starting price of the property is 18320.00 BGN (eighty thousand three hundred and twenty BGN) excluding VAT due to the deregistered of the debtor under VAT. On the property are registered burdens such as contractual mortgage, banned and others. The property can be reviewed by those who want it during the sale. Participation in the bidding is required to pay 10% of the starting price on the account of the court contractor. The sale will take place in the building of R.S.K., with the sales papers held in the courthouse. For transfers over 30 000 BGN, the corresponding declarations under the Law on Measures against Money Laundering are required. The bids must indicate the price offered by them in an envelope with a receipt for the submitted bid. The bid will be held on 29.05.2023 at 11:00 P.S.K., and the bids must be attended. The announced starting price is 18320.00 BGN and the bids can be made by more than 3090 BGN at each bid.

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