Public sale of real estate is announced, which is located in the village of Bojurets, Kavarna municipality. The property has an area of 925 sq.m., with a cadastral sketch of 890 sq.m. and identifier M05009.501.549. It has a lasting purpose for urbanized territory, undeveloped residential property. The property includes liabilities such as contractual mortgage and foreclosures that provide claims and prohibitions. The starting price of the property is BGN 1930.00, excluding VAT due to the registration of the debtor under VAT. The property can be reviewed after prior arrangement at the time of the sale. Participants shall submit a call of 10% of the starting price on the account of the contractor. The bid will take place on 29.05.2023 at the Kavarna District Court. All participants must present a declaration of the origin of their funds. The bids must offer their price in a sealed envelope and announce it to the performer in the presence of the other participants. The declared starting price may be exceeded by more than 3% on each subsequent proposal.
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