Public sale of real estate, owned by D.E.E. U.K.O., is announced, which will be held by private judicial contractor LUCHIA TASSEVA in Kavarna District Court. The property is land property in the land of Bozhurets village, Kavarna municipality, Dobrich district, with identifier L05009.510.785, with area of 629 sq.m. The property has a lasting purpose for urbanized territory with a way of lasting use - low construction (up to 10 meters). It is situated on a flat terrain with panoramic sea view and passes through a ravine - forested area. The starting bid price is 9568.00 BGN. The property is subject to a number of restrictions which may be reviewed at the Registry Office. The sale will take place at Kavarna District Court, with participants having to submit a 10% charge on the starting price by bank transfer. The bidding proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope in the office of the District Court of Kavarna until the specified deadline. Bidding agents must present declarations of origin of their funds under the Law on Measures against Money Laundering. The sale will take place on 29.05.2023 in the District Court of Kavarna in the presence of the participants, as the bidder, whose offer exceeds the previous offer by more than 3090 BGN, will be declared a buyer of the property. In case of interest, persons may visit the property before the public sale takes place.
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