Public sale of real estate owned by P.A.G. and E.M. D... The property is an apartment with administrative address in the village of Bozhuren, the Old Loz locality, the municipality of Kavarna, Dobrich district. The property is an individual object with an identifier 05009., five, pulya, zero, nine, point, two, zero, zero, point, three, seven, nine, point, slant, point, one, five. The building has an area of 1156.6 sq.m., consisting of entrance hall, bathroom, bedroom, terrace and dining room and living room. The bidding proposals will be announced on 16.06.2023 at the beginning of the working day in the building of the Kavarna District Court. The starting price from which the bidding will start is 2472000 BGN. The call for participation in the public sale is 10% of the starting price and is imported in advance by bank transfer. The property is burdened with mortgages in favor of U.B.A. Preliminary examination of the property is possible after prior arrangement with the private judicial contractor. The auction will be held in accordance with the Civil Procedure Code.
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