Public sale of real estate owned by P.A.G. was announced, which will take place on 28.04.2023 in the District Court of Kavarna. The property is apartment No9 in a building in the "Old Vines" area located in the village of Bojure, Dobrich municipality. The apartment is a private site with identifier 22 0509.300379.18, with built-up area of 5.6 sq.m. and consists of entrance hall, living room, bedroom, bathroom, terrace and dining room. The property has identifier 2 06009.308:379.1 and is built at the "hard construction" stage. The starting price of the property is set at 24720 BGN. The bid is 1084 BGN and must be submitted in advance. The property is burdened with a ban in favor of the requirements of the case and a contractual mortgage in favor of U.B.A.. Anyone willing to inspect the property must contact the private judicial contractor. The auction will take place under the legal provisions and conditions.
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