Public sale of real estate, organized by judicial contractor Nikolay Nikov was announced. The sale will take place on 06.01.2023 at Kavarna District Court. The property to be sold is a real estate located in the village of Bozhurets, Kavarna municipality, Dobrich district. The property has an identifier 0509.5, with an area of 1830 sq.m. and has a way of lasting use - low building. The starting price from which the bidding will start is 28480.00 BGN. It is imperative to submit a fee of 10% of the starting price to the account of Private Judicial Contractor Nikolay Nikov. Those who wish to examine the property can do so after prior agreement with Nikolai Nikov. The bids must be submitted to the CSI office every working day for the submission of bidding proposals. The property's registered burdens are banned and a contractual mortgage. The auction will be held on 07.02.2023 in Kavarna District Court, where the buyer will be announced.
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