Public sale of real estate, owned by Konsultnik Ltd, located in Bojurets village, Kavarna municipality, Dobrich district is announced. The property has an identifier 0509.501.542, with an area of 1670 sq.m. and is urbanized, with a way of building up to 10 t. The starting price from which the bidding will start is BGN 26 000. The bid rate is 10% of the starting price and should be submitted to Central Bank Cooperative AD, Dobrich branch. Those who wish to examine the property can do so after prior appointment, during the working days. The biders can appear in the office of the private court contractor Nikolay Nikov at the appointed hours for providing the necessary documents and bidding proposals. The property has included burdens such as a ban and a contractual mortgage to secure the claims in the enforcement case. The auction will be held under the rules for the sale of real estate with the participation of the participants. The submitted bidding proposals will be opened at the specified date and time in the building of the Kavarna District Court, where the buyer will be announced.
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