Public sale of property owned by P.A.G. and V.M.G. was announced, namely: apartment in the village of Bojurets, the "Oloz Old" area, near Kavarna, Dobrich district. The property is an individual object with an identifier 05009.200.379.1.18, consisting of entrance hall, bathroom, bedroom, two terraces. The building is built on the "hard construction" degree on land property with identifier 28 0509.200.379.1. The starting price for the property is set at BGN 20 592. The bid will be held on 20.01.2023 at the Kavarna District Court. To participate in the tender, buyers must deposit the amount at the starting price. On the property are listed bans and mortgages in favor of Bulbank AD and U.B.A.. Those who wish to sit the property can contact the private judicial contractor of the indicated phones after prior appointment.
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