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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Bezvoditsa, district Balchik

starting price: € 1315
area: 725 m2

Public sale of real estate on the property of L.N.B. has been announced. The property, which will be sold through public sale under the rules of the PDK, is 1/14 ideal part of agricultural levels with an area of 10,150 decares, located in the village of Blavoditsa, Balchik municipality, Dobrich municipality. The property has identifier 03174.26.67 and is located in the "Perche Mogila" area. The ground property has a correct rectangular shape, extended in the west/east direction, with a Polish approach from the east. All neighbouring properties are farmland. The starting price of the property is 2572.00 BGN. Two burdens are recorded on the property at the Registry Office. The property can be reviewed after prior arrangement at location during the sale. Participation in the bidding takes place after submitting a call of 10% of the starting price of the property on the account of the court contractor. The offers for purchase are submitted to the office of the Regional Court of Balchik and should not exceed the starting price by more than 30%. The sale will take place on 26.05.2023 in the presence of a court performer and the performers.

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