Public sale of real estate in the village of Topolitsa, Aytos municipality, Burgas district was announced. The property includes eight yard seats with a total area of 1168 sq.m, located in the village. The property is a land-owned property with No 223 in sq. 21 according to the village plan, with a residential building consisting of three rooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom and corridor, total built-up area of 115 sq.m. There's a garage floor, first floor and second floor. The building is three-storey, with a ceiling floor and a floor space. The property is fenced, partially landscaped and partly concreted area, with a well in the northern part of the plot. The starting price of the property is 160 560 BGN. The property is burdened with a mortgage in favor of B.D.A. and banned in favour of the contractor. Views of the property are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14:00 to 17:00 after entering an application in the office of the private judicial contractor. The bidding proposals are deposited in a sealed envelope in the Aytos District Court office. The bid will take place on 27.11.2023 at 09:00 in the office of the private court contractor. In order to participate in the bidding, there is a need for a preliminary contribution of BGN 1090 to the Bank of DSK at the account of the private court contractor. For amounts above BGN 29 337,45 there is a need for submission of declarations under the legislation to counter money laundering. For more information, please contact the private judicial contractor at 056/82 06 88.
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