Public sale of real estate owned by M.A.N. The property is located in the village of Ruzhitsa, municipality of Rouen, district of Bourgas, in the area "Three fountains." It consists of a part of an agricultural property with identifier 63598.12.1, with an area of 5 219 sq.m. The property is represented by arable levels, part of a large agricultural block, with cereal and shrub and grassy vegetation. The starting price of the property is 224 000 BGN. The sale will take place from 24.12.2022 to 24.01.2023 in Aytos District Court, with the opening of the bidding proposals at 25.01.2023 at 13:30. Additional information about the property can be obtained in the office of the Aytos District Court. An amount of 10% of the starting price of the property prior to the sale is mandatory. All interested parties can visit the property every Tuesday and Thursday from 14:00 to 16:00 after applying in the office of Private Judicial Contractor Delyan Pickov in Burgas. In the case of participation under the Law on Countering Money Laundering, a declaration of the origin of the funds and a declaration of actual owner shall be required. The sale ends on the last working day of the term and the proposals can be withdrawn no later than 19:00. In the event of overestimate of the proposal by more than 30%, it is null and void. The public sale is managed by private judicial contractor Gergana Georgieva and assistant-private judicial contractor.
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