There is a public sale of several real estates in the village of Krushevets, Sozopol municipality, Bourgas district. The first property has identifier 40124.98.20, with area of 4986 sq.m, category of land - levels, with initial auction price of 288 BGN. The second property has identifier 40124.86.1 with area of 6999 sq.m, category of land - levels, with initial auction price of 396 BGN. The third property has an identifier 40124.72.587, with an area of 2000 sq.m, category of land - levels, with an initial auction price of 129.60 BGN. The fourth property has identifier 40124.45.244, with area of 7999 sq.m, category of land - levels, with initial auction price of 456 BGN. The fifth property has identifier 40124.16.67, with area of 2800 sq.m, category of the land - vineyard, with initial auction price of 228 BGN. The properties are burdened with various prohibitions, which are entered in the Office of Registrys in Burgas. Those who wish to examine the properties must submit an application to the firm of the Private Judicial Contractor. The bidding offers are deposited in the building of the Regional Court of Burgas and a bet of 10% of the starting price is required. The bidding proposals which do not meet the requirements or are below the starting price are invalid. In the case of a transfer of amounts above 15 0000.00 euros, a declaration on the origin of the funds under the Law on Measures against Money Laundering must be made. The sale will take place on 12.09.2023 in the presence of the participants in the Regional Court of Burgas.
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