A public sale of real estate was announced in the village of Krushevets, Sozopol municipality, Bourgas district. The public sale will take place on 13 March 2023 at 17:00 in the building of the Regional Court of Burgas. The properties sold are as follows: 1. Land property with identifier 40124.9, with area of 4986 sq.m, category of land - agricultural. Starting auction price: 328.81 BGN 2. Land property with identifier 40124.86.1, with area of 6999 sq.m, category of land - levels. Starting auction price: 468.00 BGN 3. Land property with identifier 40124.72.587, with area of 2000 sq.m, category of land - agricultural. Starting auction price: 149.99 BGN 4. Land property with identifier 40124.45.11, area of 7999 sq.m, category of land - agricultural. Starting auction price: 518.40 BGN 5. Land property with identifier 40124.16.67, with area of 2800 sq.m, category of land - vineyard. Starting auction price: 279.59 BGN The properties have weights that are registered at Office entries in Burgas. To participate in the public sale, bids must be placed at 10% of the starting price of the property. The bidding offers are deposited in the building of the Regional Court of Burgas. In the case of bids for a price below the starting price or above 30% of the starting price, they shall be invalid. For all transfers of amounts equal to or exceeding EUR 15 000,00, the bids must provide a declaration of the origin of the funds. On 14 March 2023, a public sale protocol will be drawn up at 12:45 P.M. in the presence of the developers, according to Art. 492 PDC.
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