Public sale of real estate in Burgas was announced, organized by private judicial contractor Tanya Madzharova. The sale is based on an executive list relating to a performance case He 20178030401, due to the request of E.B.E. in a performance case He 2049 from 31.05.2017 to Burgas District Court. The sale will take place on 10.01.2023 at 17:00 in the building of the Regional Court of Burgas. The properties sold are as follows: 1. 1/6 sq.m., initial auction price 365.34 лв. 2. 1/6 yid.ost of the indicated by the cadastral map with identifier 40124.86.1 with area of 6999 sq.m, initial auction price 520.00 лв. 3. 1/6 id. left on the Cadastral ID card 40124.72.587, with an area of 2000 sq.m, initial auction price 166.66 BGN 4.1/6 et. ott of the designated by the cadastral map with identifier 40124.45.11, area of 7999 sq.m, initial auction price 576.00 лв. 5. 1/6 sq.m., starting auction price 310.66 лв. The properties are located in the village of Krushevets, Sozopol municipality, Bourgas district. The interested may examine the properties in a predetermined day and hour in RS Burgas or in the office of CHSI 803 in Burgas. The bidding offers are deposited in the building of the Regional Court of Burgas. The bet for participation is 10% of the starting price of the property. The bidding proposals must meet the requirements of the law and be submitted within the prescribed time limit. The sale protocol will be drawn up on 11.01.2023 at 11:30 in the building of the Regional Court of Burgas.
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