Public sale of property, organized by private judicial contractor Tanya Madzharova, with area of action District Court Burgas was announced. The sale is part of the executive case number 201880304001416, which is the result of the issued Executive sheet of the Regional Court of Burgas and a judgment. The property, which will be sold to public trade, is located in Karnobat and includes 1/8 an ideal part of the property with a cadastral number 0.2154, with an area of 820 sq.m., with an area of UPI formed for it. The property is used for residential construction and also includes a one-storey, one-family residential building with an area of 84 sq.m. The starting price of the property is 3 411.00 BGN. The property is prohibited weights from various court performers that are registered at Sl. Karnobat. Those who wish to look at the properties during the public sale. The bidding offers are deposited in a sealed envelope in the Regional Court of Karnobat, and a 10% of the starting price of the property must be submitted. The bids must present an import note for the amounts exceeding EUR 15 0000.00. On 15.09.2023 a protocol will be drawn up and the buyer of the property will be announced.
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