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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Grozden, district Sungurlare

starting price: € 1037
area: 4099 m2

Public sale of real estate, owned by P.T.M., was announced in a performance case He 20238030401731. The first property is designated by identifier 17909.540.4, located in the village of Grozden, Patarnika locality, Sungurlare municipality, Bourgas district. The property is agricultural land with an area of 4099 sq.m, category of land 4. The starting bid price is BGN 2028.80. The second property has an identifier 17909.60.20, located in the village of Grozden, near Celo, municipality of Sungurlare, Bourgas. It is also agricultural land with an area of 505 sq.m, category of land 6, and an initial auction price of 242.40 BGN. The property is subject to burdens such as a prior ban, a lease agreement on agricultural land and a ban on the present case. Those who wish to inspect the properties can do so on site during the public sale after filling in a preliminary request. The bidding offers are deposited in the building of the Regional Court of Karnobat in a sealed envelope, with each bidder indicating the property for which he bid, his price and imports a bid. To participate in the sale the bet is 10% of the starting price of the property. Bidding proposals by non-participant, price offers below the starting price or more than 30% of it are invalid. Payments are made by bank transfer. The sale will take place on 06.12.2024 at 11:45 in the building of Karnobat District Court.

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