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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Goritsa, district Pomorie

starting price: € 143
area: 71 m2

Public sale of real estate in the area of activity of the District Court of Burgas, organized by private judicial contractor Tanya Madzharova was announced. The properties are divided into quotas and are declared for sale against debtor's claims Michaela Polyhrona. The public sale will be held in the building of the Regional Court of Pomorie and includes the following real estate: 1. Ideal part of land property with identifier Ho16064.21.51, with an area of 1700 sq.m. in the village of Goritsa, with a lasting purpose for essential-oil culture. 2. Ideal part of land property with identifier He16064.2.90, with an area of 5599 sq.m. in Goritsa village, with a lasting purpose for levels. 3. Ideal part of land estate with identifier He57491.11.192, with an area of 4693 sq.m. in the town of Pomorie, with a lasting purpose for a vineyard. 4. Ideal part of land estate with identifier Ho57491.622.130, with an area of 4067 sq.m. in the town of Pomorie, with a lasting purpose for levels. 5. Ideal part of land estate with identifier He57491.1.457, with an area of 5333 sq.m. in the town of Pomorie, with a lasting purpose for levels. The properties are burdened with foreclosures and the bids must deposit a claim that is 10% of the starting price of the property. The bidding offers are accepted in sealed envelopes in the building of the Regional Court of Pomorie. To participate in the sale, the bids must present a document of origin of the funds. The sale will be made according to the PDK rules and the protocol will be drawn up in the presence of the appearers.

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