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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Chernograd, district Aytos

starting price: € 525
area: 2044 m2

There is a public sale of several properties owned by Georgi Dimitrov, which will be held by private judicial contractor Tanya Madzharova. The first property is land property with identifier 81102.20.31, with area of 4999 sq.m. and lasting purpose for agricultural land located in the village of Chernograd, Aitos municipality, Bourgas district. The starting price for this property is 66.66 BGN. On it there are included weights - banned under performance case 1167/2018. The second property is land property with identifier 81102.41.54, with an area of 6665 sq.m. and a lasting purpose for agricultural land located in the village of Chernograd, Aitos municipality, Burgas district. The starting price for this property is 426.66 BGN. There are also included weights on it - banned under performance case 1167/2018. The third property is land property with identifier 81102.51.41, with an area of 12266 sq.m. and a lasting purpose for agricultural land located in the village of Chernograd, Aitos municipality, Bourgas district. The starting price for this property is BGN 1026.66. There are also included weights on it - banned under performance case 1167/2018. The fourth property is land property with identifier 81102.58.49, with area of 3499 sq.m. and lasting purpose for agricultural land located in the village of Chernograd, Aitos municipality, Burgas district. The starting price for this property is 293.34 BGN. There are also included weights on it - banned under performance case 1167/2018. Anyone who wants to look at the property at the time of the sale can see it. The bidding proposals are deposited in the building of the state judicial execution at the District Court of Aytos. The rate is 10% of the starting price and is imported in advance. The public sale will take place on 20.06.2023 in the presence of the participants. The buyer is named Sylvia Staneva, assistant to a private judicial contractor.

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