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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of farmland in Burgas, district Burgas

starting price: € 13233
area: 28892 m2

Public sale of real estate in Burgas is announced, which belongs to N.A.G., in order to satisfy the claim of the applicant Eurobank Bulgaria AD. The property is 1/4 perfect part of the meadow in the area "Gerena" with an area of 28 896 sq.m., fourth category, plot He 8 of the massive Ho 9, with borders and neighbors as properties of different heirs and municipality of Burgas. The property has an address in Burgas, Mochura locality, intended for agricultural activity, category of land - 4. The starting price of the property is BGN 25 881.60. The property has entries and acts from different dates. All interested parties may examine the property each working day from 9:00 to 16:00 during the public sale. The interested buyers should report to the office of a judicial executive office in Burgas or to the office of C.I.B. to get acquainted with the papers. The bidding proposals shall be deposited in a sealed envelope in the office of a judicial executive office, requiring mandatory submission of a request for participation. Opening and announcing the proposals will take place on 18.06.2024 in the presence of the bids. The sale procedure is detailed and compliance with certain rules is required, including presentation of a declaration of origin of the funds at prices above BGN 29 0000.00. The buyer's announcement will take place in the presence of the court contractor.

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