Public sale of real estate, ideal parts owned by Tanya Velkova was announced. The property is located in the village of Belodol, Pomorie municipality and has an area of 3754 sq.m. with lasting purpose for agricultural levels. The starting bid price is 1555.20 BGN. The weights on the property include a ban in favor of the demanding person listed at Sl. Pomorie. All interested parties may examine the property during the public sale after completing a preliminary request. The bidding proposals are deposited in a sealed envelope in the Regional Court of Pomorie. A bet of 10% of the starting price is required for participation in the sale. Translations of amounts above 15 000,00 euro require a statement of the origin of the funds. The sale will take place on 12.12.2023 at 11:45 in the Regional Court of Pomorie. All details of the sale and participation are detailed in the notice.
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