Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Shukri Dervish has been announced. The property subject to sale is located in the village of Yavornitsa, the municipality of Petrich and includes the twelfth share of the entire UME with an area of 1060 sq.m. The property includes a restaurant with a built-up area of 378 sq.m. and a massive building with an area of 313 sq.m. The starting price of the property is set at 32 268.58 BGN. The property can be examined every working day from 10:00 to 17:00 in the village of Yavornitsa. Participation in the bidding is required in advance to submit a call of 10% of the starting price. The bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope by the time specified. The sale will take place on 21.04.2023 in the presence of the court contractor, who will draw up a protocol and announce the buyer.
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