Public sale of real estate on the property of the debtor B.B.S. has been announced. The first property is designated by identifier 11168.51.19, with an area of 4601 sq.m, located in the village of Vinograddi, Sandanski municipality, with a lasting purpose for agricultural land category 8. The second property is an ideal part of a residence with identifier 11168.24.1 with an area of 7004 sq.m., also in the village of Vinograds, intended for agricultural land, category 8. The starting price for the first property is 12 849 BGN and for the second - 9 289 BGN. The property is subject to burdens in favour of the applicants in the case. The sale will take place in the building of the District Court of Sandanski from 9:00 to 06.12.2024 to 17:00 on 06.01.2025. The persons wishing to participate in the tender must submit a fee of 10% of the starting price of the property on a special account of the private court contractor Alexander Tsankovski at the Bank "DSK" AD. The bid will take place in the District Court's proceedings and the bidding proposals will be open on 07.01.2025 at 1:00 p.m. In the event of invalid proposals, they will be declared invalid. After the public sale of the property, all mortgages and property rights on it shall be repaid. A public view of the property is assigned to the persons willing to purchase the property. For more information and signals about obstacles on the part of the debtor, please contact 073/831138.
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