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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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2 bed flat

Auction sale of 2 bed flat in Razlog, district Razlog

starting price: € 12362
area: 47 m2

Public sale of real estate is announced, which is part of the execution case He20217010400177. The property belongs to the debtor A.M.K., wife of B.E.K. The property is a private object in a building with an identifier 61813.752.316.1.35, with an area of 46.91 sq.m. on the first floor. The building is a four-storey massive residential building located in Razlog, with infrastructure and transport access. The private site consists of a living room, bedroom, kitchenette and bathroom with toilet. The property has concrete beams and columns, roof with bitumen and brick tiles, external and internal walls with thermal insulation, steel concrete staircase and floor - terracotta. The entrance is on the south side of the building. The starting price of the property is 24 177 BGN. There are burdens imposed on the property: a contractual mortgage prohibited in favour of the applicant in the case. The sale will take place in the building of Razlog District Court from 16.12.2022 to 17.01.2023. The Participants must submit a call of 10% of the starting price, after which they can bid. Bidding is carried out before the District Court and a preliminary arrangement is required to examine the property. After the public sale all mortgages and property rights on the property shall be repaid. For more information and view of the property, persons can contact the C.A.C. or the property keeper.

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