Public sale of real estate located in the village of Pokrovnik, Blagoevgrad municipality, Blagoevgrad district was announced. The property is land-based, with identifier 57159.57.7, with an area of 2000 sq.m. and is urbanized territory with a way of lasting use - low building. The starting price of the property is 32 036.80 BGN. The owners are Yordanka Voynova, Spas Kostov and Valentin Kostov. On the property is established a contractual mortgage in favor of "Banka DSK" EAD. The interested may see the property every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 to 5:00. An amount of 10% on the starting price for participation in the sale is mandatory. The proposals for the purchase of the property must be submitted to the District Court of Blagoevgrad in a sealed envelope with a receipt for the submitted request. The public sale will take place on 11.05.2023 in the District Court of Blagoevgrad. The presence of the participants is mandatory when announcing the proposals. The minutes of the sale shall be drawn up by the Private Judicial Contractor and the announced bidders.
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