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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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1 bed flat

Auction sale of 1 bed flat in Petrich, district Petrich

starting price: € 725
area: 9 m2

A public sale of real estate belonging to the G.S.S. through He20177010400143 was announced. The property includes the following parts: 1) Residential property with identifier 56126.601.6633, with an area of 676,00 sq.m., a purpose for complex construction located in Petrich, "Kozhuh" Str. 2) Residential building with identifier 56126.601.6622.1, with an area of 74.00 sq.m., in poor condition for major repairs, consisting of two rooms and an entrance hall. 3) Single object in a building with an identifier 56126.601.662.2.4, representing a room with electrical installation and window frames, with an initial price of 1 417 BGN 4) Single object in a building with an identifier 56126.601.6623.273.2.7, representing a room with a light height of 2,15m, with concrete sink and electrical installation, with initial price of 2 457 лв. The properties are subject to burdens, including a ban by Private Judicial Contractor Al Tsankovski. The sale will take place at the District Court of Petrich, with persons wishing to participate having to submit a fee of 10% of the starting price. The bid will be held on 13.01.2023 at 1:00 p.m. After the sale all property rights established after the first mortgage shall be repaid. For a view of the property and additional information you can contact the guard G.S.H. on 0882/881795.

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