Public sale of real estate belonging to IKK is announced, which will take place on 13.12.2022 from 9:00 to 17:00 on 13.01.2023. The property is a land property with identifier 56126.86.19, located in Petrich, Petrich municipality, Blagoevgrad district, with an area of 3001 sq.m. and a lasting purpose for agricultural territory, category of land - levels. The starting bid price is BGN 2 608.80 excluding VAT. There are four weights on the property. In order to participate in the bidding, an advance contribution of 10% of the starting price is required. The bids must indicate their price with numbers and words and submit their offer in a sealed envelope by the end of the working time of the last day of the sale. Upon completion of the bidding, a protocol will be drawn up on 16.01.2023 and the buyer announced. For more information about the sale, please contact private judicial contractor Shukri Dervis by phone. 0745/61591 or 0886777580.
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